Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Heartbreak...and a new plan.

For those that don't know.. I lost the baby over the weekend.   Today I had an appointment with my OBGYN for a follow up and to discuss where to go from here.'s the update.

He does not want me TTC for 2-3 months. He is sending me to an OBGYN who specializes in diabetic pregnancies first. He wants my sugars 100% stabilized. He wants me on insulin asap. He and the Diabetes specialist will be in close contact the whole time monitoring me and my glucose.

I will find out more next week when i go back for a second follow up.

He immediately put me in for another ultrasound today. I've passed everything, which is good, because I don't need a D&C. But yea, no TTC for 2-3 months. He wants my sugars under control and he wants my body to heal completely before we even start TTC. The good thing is, I will have two doctors monitoring me while TTC. I will be in the best of hands, especially since it took so long to conceive in the first place and if I need medical assistance I will have it.

While I don't feel good about the miscarriage, I DO feel good knowing I will be in great hands during my TTC journey, and my next pregnancy. Until then, at least I have my first little miracle to keep me entertained.


  1. ((hugs)) I'm so sorry Kira. I know you've struggled a lot over the years with this and I know how excited you guys were :(. I'm glad the doctor is working so well with you guys and sounds like a great plan.

  2. Kira, my heart is breaking for you. I have been there, and if you ever need to talk PLEASE get a hold of me. It's never easy, but I am so glad you have a great support system. I know you have an amazing husband who will be there for you :) Not to mention your beautiful Son! Love you!

  3. Thank you ladies. I will always be forever thankful to have amazing friends like ya'll. Seriously, the support and love from my friends alone have made me feel a LOT better this week. I am very very lucky to have such amazing people in my life =)


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