Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Speech Evaluation.

Today was My son's evaluation to determined if he is delayed with speech.   Basically, three women came over.  The Service coordinator, the speech therapist, and the educator.   They were extremely nice and helpful.  I felt completely at ease with them, despite my "people in my house" phobia. 

They came in, took their shoes off, and sat on the floor.  The educator had a large blue tote box with her that contained toys, paper work, and such.   Quincy immediately went to them to say hi to the new visitors.  He too, was very comfortable with them.   They asked me a couple questions, and got to work.  They pulled out a wooden block toy.. where a triangle, a circle, and a square block had to be put in place.  Quincy showed them he could do it.  They pulled out 10 small blocks, and Quincy stacked them all one by one.  They put the blocks together, pushed it, and said "chooo choo."  Quincy copied it to a T.   They placed the blocks in a cup one by one.. and once again, Quincy copied it.

They moved on to books.  They showed him pictures and asked things like "Which one is the ball?"  "Which one is eating?"  "Which girl is smiling?"  Quincy pointed out each and every last one.  They took out paper and a crayon.  The educator drew a vertical line, a horizontal line, and a circle then asked Quincy to do the same.  He did. 

They did a few more things, and in the end determined Quincy was extremely advanced in his fine and gross motor skills.  In fact, he is doing things at a 3 year old level.  They were beyond impressed with him (and I'm not just saying that because I'm his Mom.)  After doing all the tests, they determined that Quincy is right on the line to qualify for speech therapy.   They explained, that since he is doing so great with his motor skills, that sometimes children keep exploring those particular skills, and do talk later.   Basically, to qualify they are looking for a 25% speech delay.  Quincy is at a 20% and the do believe it has a lot to do with the fact that he is mastering his fine and gross motor skills. 

They do not believe he needs full on therapy, but I, myself, have opted for it.  We decided that twice a month we will have a speech therapist come over, just because I want him to be more or less ahead of the curb.   Why not take what ever extra help I can get for the time being?   They gave me a lot of good tips to work with and I plan on using them.  They were really impressed with Quincy. I don't mean to brag, but they did, so why not? lol.  He did things they have never seen a child his age do.  They were also impressed that he was social with them and came up and played with them with out hesitation. 

All in all, he did amazingly.  He showed off his skills (and cuteness) and they wanted to take him home with them haha.  I am so proud of my baby boy.  Even tho he does have a slight speech delay, he is excelling in everything else he does. 

I am glad to know he is doing so amazing, I am also glad that we will be getting some extra help as well.  Today was not as stressful as I thought it would be.

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